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Article: 5 stress-free minutes each day

We are in a rush constantly, we are late, we overthink and overreact a lot of things. Earning money, taking care of our family is not easy indeed and make most people stressfull. Stress if part of our everyday life, sometimes it helps to make the best of things we planned however in many cases it sweeps you off your feet, you lose control and it defeats you. Stress is something that challenges us and helps us grow, we often hear it. It is not easy to control it, however if you try to devote at least 5 minutes per day on yourself, you can easily avoid being overstressed. Do anything you like and which is out of the daily routine.

Finally here are some good tips on how to reduce stress in your life:
  • Know what you are trying to achieve and why
  • Do less by focusing exclusively on what's important
  • Think progress, not perfection
  • Cleanse your heart every night
  • Let go of shoulds: 'Should' and 'Supposed to' thoughts can lead to a lot of heartache. Instead, ask what you can do about the situation that is actually here.
  • Purge untrue thoughts
  • Reduce comparison: comparison and competition are never ending. What else could you do with all of that mental energy they take up.
  • Expect some stress, accept it and let go of it 
  • Be kind to your body
  • Do one nice thing for yourself every day
What stress-reducing techniques do you use? Feel free to share yours below by making a comment on the article
2016-01-27 15:41:30
Comments: 4
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2020-04-03 18:19:50

very good informative,thanks for sharing.
il do yoga and cardio workout to reduced my worries and stress,
stay fit,stay must go on.. no matter what.



2018-04-26 22:33:13




2016-01-28 04:54:12

Does the thought of taking time to relieve stress make you feel even more stressed out? Who has time for pedicures, massages, therapy sessions and long soaks in the bath? If you're feeling frazzled, there are lots of things you can do to calm down. Try these techniques to bust stress in 5 minutes or less.

Grin and Bear It
Smiling, even when you don't feel happy, can instantly lift your mood. Instead of frowning, clenching your jaw, or tensing up your forehead in reaction to a stressor, grin and feel your troubles melt away. Try it now!

Call a Friend
Sometimes, you just need to vent. Enlist the help of a good friend or close loved one when you need to de-stress. Often, just getting something off your chest will help you calm down and keep things in perspective. A five-minute phone call can help strengthen your bond, too.

Sweet Scents
Certain scents can help calm, energize and revitalize us, and that's what aromatherapy is all about. Lavender can be soothing and peppermint can increase your focus. Keep some of your favorite scented products around, whether candles, air fresheners, herbs, flowers, or essential oils. Take a few whiffs when you're stressed and notice the instant calm you feel.

Close Your Eyes
Sometimes the simple act of closing your eyes and breathing deeply can do wonders during a stressful day. You can do this several times throughout the day to help your body and mind relax. Try to combine this tip with some others (meditation, stretching, self-massage, or visualization) for an even greater benefit.

Take a Walk

Exercise, even when done leisurely, is a great way to relieve stress and boost endorphin, the feel-good chemicals in your brain. When you feel overwhelmed, go outside and walk for a few minutes. You'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel.

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